Here is the full list of fonts with previews that are approved system fonts you can use in your PowerPoint presentation/template without having to worry about your font not showing or loading properly.
Includes 30+ NEW and awesome system fonts released by Microsoft PowerPoint around the first quarter of 2020.
Abadi | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Abadi Extra Light | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Agency FB | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Aharoni | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Aldhabi | Serif | Used for non-Roman characters | |
Algerian | Decorative | Don't Use | |
Amasis MT | Serif | Yes | |
Angsana New | Serif | Used for non-Roman characters | |
Aparajita | Serif | Used for non-Roman characters | |
Aptos | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Aptos Light | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Aptos Semibold | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Aptos Black | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Aptos Mono | Monospace | Use as monospace only | |
Aptos Serif | Serif | Yes | |
Arial | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Arial Narrow | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Arial Black | Sans-Serif | Use for titles only | |
Arial Nova | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Arial Nova Light | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Arial Nova Condensed | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Arial Rounded MT | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Avenir Next LT Pro | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Baguet Script | Script | Decorative – Yes | |
Bahnschrift | Sans-Serif | Caution, does not export to PDF properly - see comments | |
Bahnschrift Light | Sans-Serif | Caution, does not export to PDF properly - see comments | |
Bahnschrift SemiBold | Sans-Serif | Caution, does not export to PDF properly - see comments | |
Bahnschrift Condensed | Sans-Serif | Caution, does not export to PDF properly - see comments | |
Bahnschrift Light Condensed | Sans-Serif | Caution, does not export to PDF properly - see comments | |
Bahnschrift Semi Bold Condensed | Sans-Serif | Caution, does not export to PDF properly - see comments | |
Baskerville Old Face | Serif | Yes | |
Batang | Serif | Yes | |
Bell MT | Serif | Yes | |
Berlin Sans FB | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Bernard MT Condensed | Serif | Use for titles only | |
Bierstadt | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Biome | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Biome Light | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Blackadder ITC | Script | Decorative – There are better options | |
Bodoni MT | Serif | Yes | |
Bodoni MT Black | Serif | Yes | |
Book Antiqua | Serif | Yes | |
Bookman Old Style | Serif | Yes | |
Bookshelf Symbol 7 | Symbol | Yes | |
Bradley Hand ITC | Script | No | |
Britannic Bold | Decorative | Yes | |
Broadway | Decorative | Decorative - Titles only | |
Browallia New | Serif | Yes | |
Brush Script MT | Script | Yes | |
Calibri | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Calibri Light | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Californian FB | Serif | Yes | |
Calisto MT | Serif | Yes | |
Cambria | Serif | Yes | |
Candara | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Castellar | Decorative | Yes | |
Cavolini | Script | Yes | |
Centaur | Serif | Yes | |
Century | Serif | Yes | |
Century Gothic | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Chamberi Super Display Regular | Decorative | Yes | |
Chiller | Decorative | Yes | |
Cochocib Script Latin Pro | Script | Yes | |
Colonna MT | Decorative | Yes | |
Comic Sans MS | Comic | Yes | |
Congenial | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Consolas | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Constantia | Serif | Yes | |
Cooper Black | Decorative | Yes | |
Copperplate Gothic | Decorative | Don't Use | |
Corbel | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Cordia New | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Courier New | Monospace | Use for thematic effect only | |
DaunPenh | Serif | Yes | |
David | Serif | Yes | |
Daytona | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Daytona Light | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Daytona Condensed | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
DengXian | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
DengXian Light | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
DilleniaUPC | Serif | Yes | |
Dotum | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Dreaming Outloud Pro | Script | Yes | |
Dreaming Outloud Script Pro | Script | Yes | |
Ebrima | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Edwardian Script ITC | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Elephant Pro | Serif | Use for titles only | |
Eras Medium ITC | Serif | Yes | |
Eucrosia UPC | Serif | Yes | |
Euphemia | Serif | Yes | |
Fairwater Script | Script | Yes | |
Fave Script Bold Pro | Script | Yes | |
Felix Titling | Decorative | Use for titles only | |
Footlight MT Light | Serif | Yes | |
Forte Forward | Script | Yes | |
Franklin Gothic | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
FrankRuehl | Serif | Yes | |
Freestyle Script | Script | Yes | |
Gabriola | Script | There are better options | |
Gadugi | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Garamond | Serif | Yes | |
Georgia Pro | Serif | Yes | |
Gill Sans MT | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Gill Sans Nova | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Gisha | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Gloucester MT Extra Condensed | Decorative | Use for titles only | |
Goudy Old Style | Serif | Yes | |
Goudy Type | Serif | Yes | |
Grandview | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Grotesque | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Gulim | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Gungsuh | Serif | Yes | |
Hadassah Friedlaender | Serif | Yes | |
Harrington | Decorative | Yes | |
High Tower Text | Serif | Yes | |
Impact | Serif | Use for titles only | |
Imprint MT Shadow | Serif | Use with caution, for thematic effect only | |
Ink Free | Handwritten | There are better options | |
IrisUPC | Sans-Serif | Don't Use | |
Iskoola Pota | Serif | Yes | |
JasmineUPC | Serif | Yes | |
Javanese Text | Serif | Yes | |
Jokerman | Decorative | Don't Use | |
Juice ITC | Decorative | Thematic use only | |
Jumble | Decorative | Yes | |
Kalinga | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Kartika | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Khmer UI | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Kigelia | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
KodchiangUPC | Serif | Yes | |
Kokila | Serif | Yes | |
Kristen ITC | Comic | There are better options | |
Kunstler Script | Script | Yes | |
Lao UI | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Latha | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Leelawadee | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Levenim MT | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
LilyUPC | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Lucida Bright | Serif | Yes | |
Lucida Calligraphy | Script | There are better options | |
Lucida Handwriting | Handwritten | There are better options | |
Magneto | Decorative | Overused | |
Maiandra GD | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Malgun Gothic | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Mangal | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Matura MT Script Capitals | Decorative | Don't Use | |
Meiryo | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Miriam | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Mistral | Script | Yes | |
Modern Love | Handwritten | Yes | |
Modern Love Caps | Handwritten | Yes | |
Modern Love Grunge | Handwritten | Yes | |
Modern No. 20 | Serif | Yes | |
Mongolian Baiti | Serif | Yes | |
MoolBoran | Serif | Used for non-Roman characters | |
Myanmar Text | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Mystical Woods Smooth Script | Handwritten | Yes | |
Narkisim | Serif | Yes | |
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
News Gothic MT | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Niagara Engraved | Decorative | Yes | |
Niagara Solid | Decorative | Yes | |
Nirmala Text | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Nordique Inline Regular | Decorative | Yes | |
NSimSun | Monospace | Used for non-Roman characters | |
Nyala | Serif | Used for non-Roman characters | |
OCRB | Monospace | Yes | |
Onyx | Decorative | Yes | |
Palace Script MT | Script | Yes | |
Palatino Linotype | Serif | Yes | |
Papyrus | Decorative | Arguably the only times you should use Papyrus is if you are making an Avatar sequal or a poster for a local psy-trance party. | |
Perpetua | Serif | Yes | |
Plantagenet Cherokee | Serif | Yes | |
Playbill | Decorative | Yes | |
PMingLiU | Serif | Yes | |
Posterama | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Pristina | Script | Yes | |
Quire Sans | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Raavi | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Rage Italic | Script | Yes | |
Rastanty Cortez | Handwritten | Yes | |
Ravie | Decorative | Don't Use | |
Rockwell | Serif | Yes | |
Rockwell Light | Serif | Yes | |
Rockwell Condensed | Serif | Yes | |
Rockwell Nova | Serif | Yes | |
Rockwell Nova Light | Serif | Yes | |
Rod | Serif | Yes | |
Sabon Next LT | Serif | Yes | |
Sagona | Serif | Yes | |
Sakkal Majalla | Serif | Yes | |
Sanskrit Text | Serif | Yes | |
Script MT Bold | Script | Yes | |
Seaford | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Segoe UI | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Selawik | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Selawik Light | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Selawik Semibold | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Shonar Bangla | Serif | Yes | |
Shruti | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
SimHei | Serif | Used for non-Roman characters | |
Simplified Arabic | Sans-Serif | Used for non-Roman characters | |
SimSun | Sans-Serif | Used for non-Roman characters | |
Sitka | Serif | Yes _ Use Sitka Banner | |
Skeena | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Snap ITC | Decorative | Don't Use | |
Source Sans Pro | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Source Sans Light / Extra Light | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Source Sans Pro Black | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Speak Pro | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
StCaiyun | Decorative | Yes | |
Sylfaen | Serif | Yes | |
Tahoma | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Tempus Sans ITC | Decorative | Yes | |
Tenorite | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
TH SarabunPSK | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
The Hand Black | Handwritten | Yes | |
The Serif Hand Black | Handwritten | Yes | |
Times New Roman | Serif | Yes | |
Tisa Offc Serif Pro | Serif | Yes | |
Trade Gothic Inline | Decorative | Yes | |
Trade Gothic Next | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Trade Gothic Next Rounded | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Traditional Arabic | Serif | Yes | |
Trebuchet MS | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Tunga | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Tw Cen MT | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
UD Digi Kyokasho N_B | Decorative | Yes | |
Univers | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Urdu Typesetting | Serif | Yes | |
Utsaah | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Vani | Serif | Yes | |
Verdana | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Verdana Pro | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Verdana Pro Light | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Verdana Pro Semibold | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Vijaya | Script | Yes | |
Viner Hand ITC | Handwritten | Use with caution | |
Vivaldi | Script | Yes | |
Vladimir Script | Script | Yes | |
Vrinda | Sans-Serif | Yes | |
Walbaum Display | Serif | Yes | |
Webdings | Symbol | Yes | |
Wide Latin | Decorative | Use for headers only for thematic effect only | |
Wingdings | Symbol | Yes | |
Wingdings 2 | Symbol | Yes | |
Wingdings 3 | Symbol | Yes |
15 Responses
[…] See all the PowerPoint system fonts with previews and when to use them (Updated with Microsoft PowerPoint’s hot NEW 2020 font sets)… […]
I am interested in Sabon Next, but it appears to be so new that users at the other end might need to download it.
Does “System fonts” mean that these fonts are included with operating systems–and are installed when current systems are updated?
Hi Nina, the fonts are included with the application, rather than the operating system. The new fonts all work with Office 365 suite (Now named Microsoft 365) and I assume but have not been able to test current/new enterprise versions of PowerPoint and the rest of the Office suite. So that means that for old and non-authentic versions of PowerPoint, these fonts won’t work, but with the proliferation of the 365 suite – that should be the minority of users. These fonts only work in Microsoft products, I assume that is done for licensing reasons – so you won’t be able to copy the fonts over for older users.
[…] are common to the operating systems your readers or users will be using, and stick with those. Here’s a list of default fonts for MacOS and Windows that have MS Office installed (including which fonts are common to […]
What do you mean by Thematic fonts?
Fonts that are suitable for events or themes such as Halloween, Christmas, Birthdays etc.
Hi, Thanks for this list. I do have a question: Not all of these fonts show up as fonts that can be used for a theme. Is there a way to add these to the list of fonts to make a custom theme? Specifically I’d like to be able to use Avenir Next LT Pro as a theme font but it doesn’t show up in the list.
Thanks for any help!
Yes indeed, they work out of the box and you don’t need to install anything. You will need an active version of Windows 365 (Office 365) for all the fonts to show up.
[…] See all the PowerPoint system fonts with previews and when to use them (Updated with Microsoft PowerPoint’s hot NEW 2020 font sets)… […]
I have a client that wants to use Arial Narrow bold as their font in Powerpoint. I’m seeing conflicting reports online about this font being standard on both mac and PC. Your article says it’s only available on PC, but I’ve seen others where it says it is standard on mac. Can you verify if it is standard or not?
Hi Nikki, I’m updating the article as we speak – I can confirm that Arial Narrow does work on the latest version of PowerPoint for Mac!
Hi! We’ve recently all been upgraded to Office 365 in my office. I used one of the fonts listed (Bahnschrift) to make a PPT file but I can tell when I’m looking at other people’s screens that Bahnschrift isn’t what is displaying. Is there something that our IT team needs to do in order to make them available to everyone?
Hi Janice, there is a solution and that is to create a first slide with the editable text on top of an image of the text “Copy and Paste as Image” – and if the two don’t align then the font is not installed on the user’s computer, if they are running the latest live version of Microsoft 365 all should be fine. You can also embed the fonts but that usually makes the PPT 2-6MB bigger.
WARNING: Bahnschrift is an OpenType Variable font. These fonts are NOT yet supported in PDF. All weights will be replaced with Bahnschrift regular and look HORRIBLE. Adobe and Microsoft support threads abound with no solution or eta on an actual fix. I recommend you do not list “Bahnschift” as a viable option until exporting as PDF is supported or you will have major issues.
Noted and updated, thank you – pity since I loved Bahnchrift