Knockout Templates

Keep It Simple Pitch Deck
PowerPoint Template

Easy UX Wireframes
PowerPoint Template

Meta Modern PowerPoint Template
PowerPoint Template

Mega Epic
PowerPoint Template
Our Templates Include
One Click Color Change
Change the colors in our PowerPoint templates once using your own or any preset color scheme.
Editable Vector Graphics
All our PowerPoint and Keynote templates use fully editable and natively editable vector graphics.
Master Layouts
All our templates are built with Master Layouts for PowerPoint and Keynote.
Unique Design
We don't copy and change our templates, we build hundreds of presentations for clients every year and know which layouts are loved and used.
Paired fonts
We pride ourselves on pairing great system fonts using PowerPoint's latest 365 fonts and changing the fonts is done in 3 clicks
Drag & Drop
Drag and Drop your images into Master Layouts in batches that are sorted in the correct left to right top down order.
Why native PowerPoint graphics are better for your presentations
All the infographics and data visualization in our templates are created in PowerPoint (and Keynote), so they are easy to edit natively within PowerPoint without having to use additional 3rd party software, which means our templates are:
Cheaper to use
No additional software requirements
Quicker to Edit
Save time when you edit charts and graphics directly in PowerPoint
Easier to Understand
No need to work with unrelated assets
Here is an sample of our Mega Epic template to show how easy it is to use a presentation that uses native PowerPoint assets.

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